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Why Brentwood Bay?

Why Brentwood Bay?


We decided to move our sailing school and sailing charter company from Prince Rupert to Brentwood Bay for several reasons. Paul likes the area because it is central to Victoria, plus it’s easily accessible from the airport, the ferries and from up island via the Mill Bay ferry.



I love the area because it has a sunset over the water and the mountains nearby (just like Rupert). We have been at Anglers Anchorage in Brentwood Bay for 8 months now and we are grateful that this area is our “home base” for so many reasons, which include.  

The Saanich Inlet (where Brentwood Bay is located), is an ideal starting off point to teach about sailing and to offer a sailing charter. “Learning the ropes” and the workings of the sailing yacht is done easily, as we head out from the marina to the first nights’ anchorage within the Gulf Islands.


The community of Brentwood Bay itself, feels like a small town – which has been such a graceful part of our transition. The restaurants, shopping facilities and tourist companies are all in fairly close proximity. The meandering streets along the water remind us of somewhere along the California coast – as does much of Victoria. We have met such great people – all with the same desire to feel part of a smaller community.

We are so close to some super cool tourist attractions. Butchart Gardens, Butterfly World, Brentwood Bay Spa and Resort and several of the 10+ wineries on Southern Vancouver Island are nearby.



The Saanich Fall Fair takes place every labour day weekend and is one of the longest running fairs in BC. The fall fair is minutes away by car from Brentwood Bay. Being an animal lover myself and passionate about regenerative agriculture – I’m particularly happy about this.



There are super great hiking trails around!!  

As spring is arriving and we are spending more time on the boat. We are learning more about the water activities, other than sailing, that are available in Brentwood Bay. You can paddle board, kayak and canoe. You can also scuba dive in the waters, which include some artificial reefs (I just learned about these this week).

To learn more about the Sailing School and Sailing Charters that Big Blue Sailing has to offer, go to


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