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Kayaks on Cabbage Island

Cabbage and Tumbo Island

Tumbo & Cabbage Island:


are located at the south-east corner of the Gulf Islands. The last southern islands next to Georgia Strait.

Cabbage Island is a part of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve is one of Canada’s newest national parks. The park protects a portion of British Columbia’s beautiful southern Gulf Islands – a landscape of rocky headlands, forested hills and shorelines studded with colourful tide pools.

Cabbage Island is a 4-hectare marine park located off the northwest end of Tumbo Island, near the east end of Saturna Island. The island’s marshes and stands of Garry oak, Arbutus and coastal Douglas fir offer some of the most intact wetland and vegetation remaining on Gulf Islands.

Mooring buoys have been installed in Reef Harbour, a sheltered anchorage which offers seasonal refuge from weather. There are no designated campsites, but there are 5 wilderness, walk-in campsites. No upland or foreshore fires are permitted and visitors must pack out all garbage. Facilities include an information shelter, picnic area and pit toilets – there is no water on the island.

Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy diving, fishing, kayaking or simply take a stroll along the inviting white, sandy beaches.


Tumbo Island:  


is perched on the northeast shore of Saturna Island and is another lovely spot to explore.

Toward the closed end of Reef Harbour and around to the south is Tumbo Island, a recent addition to the Canadian National Park Reserve. Access to the Tumbo side is a bit tricky. If you dinghy down toward the south end, you find shallow water fairly quickly. The other way to gain a ground on Tumbo is found back closer to the mooring buoys. There is a large park sign visible from the water that marks the start of a trail that goes along Tumbo Island and ends at the head of the bay. Visitors are requested to stay on the trail because of the fragile nature of the reserve.

If you would like to Charter with us in the Beautiful Gulf Islands contact us at Big Blue

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